Classic Nostalgia - 2021
Ralli 22 - The 2021 Classic Nostalgia event was an outstanding success. The two-day motorsport festival didn't disappoint rally fans with a strong line up of cars of various rallying groups including Group A,B and WRC. Also on display was Colin McRae's 6R4 and an beautiful collection of Prodrive Subaru's including Richards Burn' Safari car.
Adam Marsden from AM Cars displayed his legendary Audi Quattro.

Cossie at Shelsley
John Peck in the outstanding BASTOS Escort Cosworth. Probably one of the best prepared cars we've had the pleasure to photograph. John is a regular member of Ralli22 and demonstration events to include Chateau Impney, Race Retro and here at Shelsley Walsh during the 2021 Classic Nostalgia.

Lancia love
Rob Whitehouse's fabulous Lancia 037 is always a crowd pleaser. Shown here in the unusual Grifone livery the 569 guys have been lucky enough to photograph this car on location in Italy during the Rally Club Valpantena event.